Changes…and Noom

CharKat’s Creative Insanity is about to undergo a drastic reset! I can tell you this will benefit all those of you who wish  you could come take classes with me, but live far away…but that’s all I am going to tease!


I attended the Path to Profit Creative Business Summit last weekend, and after almost 2 years in, I finally have a clearer view of what I should be doing for YOU! I highly recommend any creative entrepreneur attend this workshop (there is another one coming up in September!) You really will be doing yourself, and your business, a favor. Minette really knows her stuff, and knows how to find the best business you that will make your business shine and be profitable. And…you get to color and play and be around other creative people…even other Certified Zentangle Teachers!


CZTs From Left to Right: Jean Mackie, Me, Minette Riordan, Ph.D., and Annette Carlo

I may or may not have gotten a little carried away with the tangle Noom this week. Diva Challenge #309 had us using it, and boy did I!

The first example is this lovely Renaissance Tan Zendala that is part of another journal page I am working on. It makes a lovely border, and I honestly was not trying to make my Mooka into an octopus, but it just happened!

Diva #309 OTL Zendala

Then, while I was finishing up my tiles for the TangleU swap, it worked it’s way in again!

Diva #309 TU Swap

I am really enjoying this tangle. It is so simple, but looks so awesome!

I had a few more cool tiles I did for my journal page I am working on, that I wanted to share too. Mono-tangles (just one tangle on the page) can be very striking, and a great way to practice tangles you are not sure about. And Bijou tiles are an excellent way to carry them off. Even an ATC (Artist Trading Card) size can be less intimidating than doing a whole time sometimes.

Lots to do today! Tangle On!


Mac-n-Cheese, Please!

Ok…this week is a little light, for a couple reasons. First off, I had to spend a lot of time with this handsome little devil last week:


(The boy, not the guy in the dog suit.) I learned the capacity of a 4-1/2 year old at Disneyland almost out-lasts the adults. (We got there just after 8 a.m. and left as the park was closing at 11 p.m., shopped at the outside store and got in the car at nearly midnight.) “Can we go on one more ride Gammy?” – Sure…the tram to the parking lot…hahaha

Add to that, I was a little under the weather all week. Today is the first day I am feeling marginally human again, can speak above a whisper, and do not appear to be dying. But, I can still  hold a pen!

So this week’s Diva Challenge (#308) prompted us to use our “mac-n-cheese” tangle. That is that tangle you got down, that you use in pinches, that is “your thing.” For me, this rotates on occasion. Usually, it is Fengle, Printemps, and Tipple. But this week, I revisited one that I really, really like, and for me, is more meditative than most. That tangle is Bloom, by Helen Williams. Like I did here, I mostly use the random version, rather than the dot grid. because it is just fun to see where it will go.

Diva #308

I went with the shaving foam marbled tile again, because I feel like I wanted another crack at picking the right pen. The Micron wasn’t working so well on it, nor did any other fiber-tipped pen I tried. I could have used a Gelly Roll, but when I reached in my pen bag, out popped my trusty medium nib fountain pen loaded with a Carbon Ink cartridge. And boy, did that do the trick! (Caveat, these tiles are a bit larger than typical Zentangle tiles, so the fatter lines were good, and hey, that’s my style anyway!) I filled in my aura with a gold Metallic Gelly Roll, and then did some rounding in the sharp corners. I do love this tangle. Do pop on over to her website and check it out!

While I still do not have the April schedule up, I want to give you aheads up (again) about a great weekend workshop happening at CharKat’s. Risa Gettler is going to be teaching Visigothic Versals on April 8 & 9. But, you say, I am not a calligrapher (yet!) It is OK! This is a graphic intense hand, laid out on graph paper first, and then transferred to your final project, making it appropriate for all levels of artists.

Nat'l Council on Aging- Internt'l Alz-Convention Toronto-Thumb

If you LOVE Zentangle, you will adore this! There is a supply list, although 90% of it will be available for purchase if you do not already have the items in your arsenal. Lunch is included, both days (catered daily by Which Wich, and can meet any dietary need!) The price for this intensive workshop is $120 per person.

If you are from out of the area, never fear, there are accommodations available right across the street, and I am willing to help you get situated, make arrangements, and keep the studio open after class hours for those that want to continue working on their projects.

Space is limited for this workshop…sign up now!

And mark your calendars for May 12 & 26 (in the evening), as I will be finally (yay) teaching a Book Making Workshop. In this 2 part workshop, we will design our books, paint the wooden covers and spine pieces in the first session, and then in the second session, we will assemble (sew!) our books and create our colophons. This is a preliminary example of what we will be doing:

Class will be 2 Fridays, from 6:30-9:00. All the book materials will be provided, but you can bring paints, stencils, or anything else you would like to use. I highly recommend Milk Paint or Chalk Paint (I will have some, but colors are limited to, well, that graphite gray.) $75 per person (bring wine! its Friday nite!)

That’s all for this week. I am off this weekend to a business seminar to learn more about how to entice you to come take classes a the honeycomb hideout so we can stay open!

Make Stuff, You Will Feel Better!

Blank Page Stare…

You know that feeling…blank with page…where do I start? I had that this morning as I am trying to shake the cobwebs and write. This week, I have to steal the moments to do my work/art related projects, as I am being visited by the most adorable 4 year old I know.


So I am stealing a few moments to share this week’s Diva Challenge (#307). I was treated to a new tangle, Zingo, by Indy and Mazzy (Molly’s Daughters) on a special episode of Kitchen Table Tangles. I followed along on another one of my pretty shaving foam marbled tiles.

Diva #307

Yesterday, we also had a great get together with our Southern California Tangles group. We did a fun exercise of passing the tile, to complete these fun tiles.


Each person started their string with 5 spaces, did the first tangle, and passed the tile. We had 2 groups of five, and it was great fun.

The Celtic Knot class last weekend was great fun, and everyone found my method really easy to learn. If you are sad because you could not be there, take heart. The kit with full instructions IS available! I will make a link later this week (I need to steal a few more minutes to re-edit some corrections into the instructions!)

And we have an awesome weekend workshop coming up with Risa Gettler on Visigothic Versals. Details are on the Calligraphy Page, but here is a sneak peek”


And now I am being summoned to go color with said 4 year old…

Tangles in a Jar

Amphora – a tall ancient Greek or Roman jar with two handles and a narrow neck.

Or…this weeks Use My Tangle (UMT) by Lily Moon for the Diva Challenge (#306.) It is a pretty cool tangle, with lots of potential. The tile I used was marbled in shaving foam by my friend and fellow CZT, Annette Carlo. It was too pretty to tangle over the marbly parts, so I left part of it original.

Diva #306

Last week’s postcard winner (by rolling the dice) is Michele Wynn. Drop me an email so I can send it out.

Had a play date with Deborah Pace this week…we made these adorable little books for our joint birthdays.


And while I can’t tell you why…this happened for a journaling prompt I had this week….

I am putting the finishing touches on the Celtic Knot drafting class for this Saturday. It is not too late to sign up, but space is limited. AND…if you are not in the area to join us, do not fret. I will be making it available as a kit after the class!

Marasu Unfurled

Whew…what a weekend! Missed my usual Monday deadline for posting this week’s blog, but I had a good excuse. Started out going to Palm Springs on Friday, where I had lunch with Cherryl Moote while Flyboy did some work around the house for his mom. Then we went over to Morongo Casino & Resort for an evening with Sammy Hagar & The Circle (Michael Anthony from Van Halen, Jason Bonham, son of legendary drummer John Bonham from Led Zeppelin, and Vic Johnson, guitar player from Sammy’s other band, The Wabos.) We splurged and got the VIP experience, and BOY…did we get an experience!


Wow! Sammy is turning 70 in October, but he isn’t missing a beat. The show was AMAZING!

Then we doodled off to Phoenix on Saturday, visited my mom at her assisted living place, and spent a lovely evening in downtown Phoenix. If  you re ever in that area, I highly recommend The Arrogant Butcher. Drinks were totally on point, and the food was great, too!

Sunday, after another quick walk around downtown, we headed out to the Goodyear Ballpark to see the Giants play the Reds. It was a beautiful day, and Spring Training remains one of my favorite things to do. You get to be so much closer to the players, and it seems a bit more personal, watching the guys who are trying to make the team.


We spent Sunday night with friends in Surprise, and headed home Monday, with another stop in Palm Springs to finish some things up at Flyboy’s mom’s house.

While he was working, I started on this week’s Diva Challenge (#305.) I have loaded all my pre-prepped and half finished tiles and whatnot into my art bag, so I always have a few things to choose from when I need to start a project. This time, a watercolor postcard that I had sprayed with hibiscus tea through a stencil seemed like a likely candidate for a Duo Tangle of Marasu and Molygon. While I know that Marasu is a coiled image, I thought I would imagine it unfurled…and in as many different ways as I could think of. I kept the Molygon fillers all the same, so they would stand out a bit. Finished off with a purple metallic Gelly Roll and shaded with Stabilo CarbOthello Chalk Pencil.


I think it turned out pretty well. I was also thinking…its a postcard! I should send it to someone. So…I will select a random person from the comments on this post to send it off to!

Back to work, wrapping up the finishing touches on the Celtic Knot instructions. Still room in the class if you can make it, and if you can’t, I will have another surprise for you shortly!